| Value | Meaning |
| Description | The name of the market. |
| Numerator | The smallest amount that the price of a market can move by, in ticks. |
| Denominator | The denominator used for converting ticks into price and vice-versa. |
| Settlement_Price,Settlement_Ticks | The last settlement price received. |
| Open_Price,Open_Ticks | The opening trade price for the day. |
| High_Price,High_Ticks | The highest traded price for the day. |
| Low_Price,Low_Ticks | The lowest traded price for the day. |
| Mode | The current market state, e.g. PreOpen, Open, Closed etc. |
| Total_Traded_Volume | The total volume traded by this market today. |
| Last_Trade_Volume | The last volume traded at the current price. If the frontend is set to show the total traded at this price since the last price changed then that value will be sent, otherwise the volume just traded will be sent. |
| Last_Trade_Price,Last_Trade_Ticks | The price of the last trade to occur. |
| Bid_Volume | The volume of the current best bid. |
| Bid_Price,Bid_Ticks | The price of the current best bid. |
| Offer_Volume | The volume of the current best offer. |
| Offer_Price,Offer_Ticks | The price of the current best offer. |
| Net_Change_Price,Net_Change_Ticks | The net change from the last settlement price to the last trade price. |
| Value | Meaning |
| Description | The name of the account. |
| Account | The account number. |
| Firm | The firm this account belongs to. |
| Status | The status of this account, e.g. OK, Blocked etc. |
| PL | The total P&L of all the positions for this account |
| UPL | The total unrealized P&L of all the positions for this account. |
| RPL | The total realized P&L of all the positions for this account. |
| Overnight_UPL | The total unrealized P&L due to fills carried over from the previous trading day of all the positions for this account. |
| Cash | The amount of available cash the account has available to trade with. Takes into consideration the Balance, P&L and Margin. |
| Net_Equity | The balance of the account if all positions were closed. Takes into consideration the Balance and P&L. |
| Margin | The total margin requirement for all the positions for this account. |
| Balance | The start of day balance of the account. |
| Value | Meaning |
| Description | The name of the market this position is for. |
| Net | The net position of this account in this market. |
| PL | The total P&L of this position. |
| UPL | The unrealized P&L from the open position. |
| RPL | The realized P&L from the closed position. |
| Overnight_UPL | The unrealized P&L due to positions carried over from the previous trading day. |
| Margin | The margin requirement for this position. |
| Buys | The total number of contracts bought. |
| Sells | The total number of contracts sold. |
| Working_Buys | The number of buy contracts that are working. |
| Working_Sells | The number of sell contracts that are working. |